I'm giving this online journal bit another go. (Seems to be an annual event) Here's the current scene:
Books: Just Finished Yarn Harlot, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee;
Currently Reading Watership Down, Richard Adams (yes, the kids' book--never read it!);
More to come on the excellent novel The Electric Michelangelo, Sarah Hall.
Films: Oliver Twist (2005) directed by Roman Polanski. Watch this! I was suprised by this subtly rendered adaptation. This film has a gauzey emotional quality in both art and acting that suits the story and characters well. Dickens' broader themes receive excellent treatment without being overbearing or didactic.
Knitting: I'm closing in on the toe-shaping of a simple sock in Vesper. I'm using Nancy Bush's Yarrow ribbed pattern and mayhave discovered a favorite ribbing in the process. Three stitch pattern much less tedious than others. Recently completed a grey pinstripe pair in Lorna's Laces.
Up next: Luxe Poppy-colored Giotto socks for a special birthday gift and a mini-Clapotis in Fleece Artist Lady Godiva (for me!).
Stay tuned...