I've been delighted to find several knit bloggers who also share my affinity for cycling. I've set up a webring to help us navigate these wonderful blogs more easily.
If you'd like to join, please click on the link in my sidebar and I will approve you as a member once the code is displayed properly.
Please spread the word!
I'm happy to accept any comments or suggestions as this is the first time I've tried to manage a webring.
Webring Rules
1. Your blog is primarily a knitting blog.
2. Cycling is a part of your life.
While it is preferred that some cycling-related posts or photos will appear at least occasionally on your blog, the primary motivation for creating this webring is to connect knitters who also like to ride or watch cycling.
Fixie, Mtn., Cross., Road, Hybrid, Race, Amateur, Commuter, Enthusiast all welcome.
3. You must update your blog at least 2x month.
4. Your blog must be at least 1 month old, with at least 2 posts.
5. The webring code must be on your blog's main page, easy to find, and contain a link to the webring home page, next link, and previous link. Any other links are at your discretion.
We need a button for this new webring. Please email me a submission (or seven) and I will award a yarn prize to the creator of my favorite entry. Deadline: 2/22/07
All button submissions will be posted on my blog so that members can also use their favorite. (Remember, save images to your own server--don't steal bandwidth!)