Boston Localvores looks like it will be a great resource for area folks interested in the "eat local" movement.
I am excited that my new CSA will be delivering my produce weekly via New Amsterdam Project trike-truck! June can't arrive soon enough...
I spent two hours seaming my Marlo sweater last night and maybe have another 1/2 hour of work before I can proclaim it finished. Look for photos soon!
Life is treating me well, but I have been very busy these few weeks with work and YSAG activities--should be heading into a slower summer cycle soon. (Reminds me I'd like to actually take a bike ride soon!)
Anyone headed out for the WEBS tent sale this weekend? I'm trying to avoid driving but would happily pay for gas/tolls/lunch if someone is interested in chaffeuring :)
Very cool about the localvore thing. I'm excited to start seeing some of the farmers markets open up for the summer.
Posted by: Michelle | May 14, 2008 at 03:14 PM
Thanks for the Localvore tip!
I'm glad someone is making knitting progress. Can't wait to see your finished sweater :)
Posted by: Linda | May 14, 2008 at 10:35 PM
oh no oh no oh no the tent sale is THIS WEEKEND? I would have totally met you there, although that doesn't really help with your driving situation. :( i miss your face.
Posted by: Heather | May 16, 2008 at 06:09 AM
Nice! I like the fit on the armholes. So hard to get right!
Posted by: paula | May 31, 2008 at 07:47 PM